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How To Determine Year of Manufacture Marlin. I hope this helps all Marlin owners Marlin Year of Manufacture Marlin year of manufacture maybe determined from the following list of letternumeral prefixs to the serial number this coding only applies to serialized rifles 1. C1. 94. 7 D1. 94. E1. 94. 9 F1. 95. G1. 95. 1 H1. 95. J1. 95. 3 K1. 95. L1. 95. 5 M1. 95. Savage model 99 caliber 22 high power td description savage model 99 22 high poweer take down rifle. How to find the date that your Marlin rifle was manufactured based off of the serial number. Contact Walmart Customer Service. Plagiarism Checking Tools. Find Walmart Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and Walmart FAQ. Speak with. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number LocationN1. P1. 95. R1. 95. 9 S1. August 1. 96. 1 U1. August 1. 96. 2 V1. W1. 96. 4 Y, Z1. AA1. AB1. 96. 3013532 colt industries m16a1 rifle, 5. Aplikasi Gratis Yang Sederhana Dalam Kasir'>Aplikasi Gratis Yang Sederhana Dalam Kasir. SMITH WESSON MODEL 17 4 screw model. Revolver for sale online. The AMC AMX is a twoseat GTstyle sports car that was produced by American Motors Corporation for the 1968 through 1970 model years. The AMX was also classified as a. Hello, my neighbor wants to get rid of a Glenfield Mod. Its made by marlin, and the serial is 22697827. Correct me if Im wrong, this gun was. AC1. 96. 8 AD, 6. Starting in 1. 97. Example SN 2. 51. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Location' title='Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Location' />SN 9. For Marlin Rimfire Rifles non serialized From 1. Marlins rimfire rifles other than the 3. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Location' title='Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Location' />This date code is different than the one already listed, as Marlin rimfire rifles other than the model 3. Law after 1. 96. 8. The first letter of the date code represented the month of manufacture while the second letter indicated the year. This date code was usually stamped on the left side of the barrel just in front of the receiver. The first letter of the date code is as follows A Jan. B Feb. C Mar. D Apr. E May. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number LocationF June. G July. H Aug. I Sep. J Oct. K Nov. L Dec. The second letter of the date code is as follows F 1. G 1. 96. 3H 1. I 1. J 1. K 1. 96. 7L 1. Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Location' title='Marlin Model 60 Serial Number Location' />So a date code of JK would indicate that rifle was made in October of 1.