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How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus' title='How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus' />How To Remove Approved Updates From WsusAutomating WSUS with Power. Shell 4sysops Script to decline superseeded updates in WSUS. Its recommended to run the script with the Skip. Decline switch to see how many superseded updates are in WSUS and to TAKE A BACKUP OF THE SUSDB before declining the updates. Parameters Update. Server             Specify WSUS Server Name Use. WSUS server, not even the WSUS server itself. The scripts explained in this post allow you to automate several Windows Server Update Services WSUS tasks such as synchronization, approvals, cleanups, and. I am running WSUS 3. SP1 on Windows 2003 and recently have found that running the Cleanup Wizard works with all of the selectable options except the. SSL                   Specify whether WSUS Server is configured to use SSL Port                     Specify WSUS Server Port Skip. Decline               Specify this to do a test run and get a summary of how many superseded updates we have Decline. Last. Level. Only     Specify whether to decline all superseded updates or only last level superseded updates Exclusion. Period           Specify the number of days between today and the release date for which the superseded updates must not be declined. Eg, if you want to keep superseded updates published within the last 2 months, specify a value of 6. Supersedence chain could have multiple updates. For example, Update. Update. 2. Update. Update. 3. In this scenario, the Last Level in the supersedence chain is Update. To decline only the last level updates in the supersedence chain, specify the Decline. Last. Level. Only switch Usage To do a test run against WSUS Server without SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Port 8. Skip. Decline To do a test run against WSUS Server using SSL Decline Superseded. WSUS-Updates-1-Approve-Updates.png?resize=862.5%2C619&ssl=1' alt='How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus' title='How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus' />Updates. Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. Skip. Decline To decline all superseded updates on the WSUS Server using SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. To decline only Last Level superseded updates on the WSUS Server using SSL Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. How To Remove Approved Updates From WsusEsipuhe. Olen niss asioissa totaalinen amatri ja vain ilmeisesti liiasta vapaaajasta johtuen on tullut omaa harrastustani julkaistua tll tavalla. Decline. Last. Level. Only To decline all superseded updates on the WSUS Server using SSL but keep superseded updates published within the last 2 months 6. Decline Superseded. Updates. ps. 1 Update. Server SERVERNAME Use. SSL Port 8. 53. Exclusion. Period 6. Cmdlet. BindingParam    ParameterMandatoryTrue,Position1    stringUpdate. Server,    ParameterMandatoryFalse    switchUse. SSL,    ParameterMandatoryTrue,Position2    Port,    switchSkip. Decline,    switchDecline. Last. Level. Only,    ParameterMandatoryFalse    intExclusion. Period0filec tempWSUSDeclineSuperseded0 MMddyyyyHHmm. Get DateStart Transcript PathfileifSkip. Decline andDecline. Last. Level. Only    Write OutputUsing Skip. Decline and Decline. Rockshox Serial Number Year there. Last. Level. Only switches together is not allowed. Write Output    returnout. PathSplit Pathscript My. Invocation. My. Command. Pathout. Superseded. ListJoin Pathout. PathSuperseded. Updates. Superseded. List. BackupJoin Pathout. PathSuperseded. Updates. Backup. csvUpdate. ID, Revision. Number, Title, KBArticle, Security. Bulletin, Last. LevelOut Fileout. Superseded. Listtry    ifUse. SSL        Write OutputConnecting to WSUS server Update. Server on Port Port using SSL. No. New. Line    Else        Write OutputConnecting to WSUS server Update. Server on Port Port. No. New. Line        reflection. Load. With. Partial. NameMicrosoft. Update. Services. Administrationout null    wsusMicrosoft. Update. Services. Administration. Admin. Proxy Get. Update. ServerUpdate. Server,Use. SSL,Port catchSystem. Exception    Write OutputFailed to connect. Write OutputError. Exception. Message    Write OutputPlease make sure that WSUS Admin Console is installed on this machine    Write Output    wsusnullifwsus eqnullreturnWrite OutputConnected. Update. ScopeNew Object. Microsoft. Update. Services. Administration. Update. Scopeget date. Add. Months 6Update. Scope. From. Arrival. Dateget date. Add. Months 6Update. Scope. To. Arrival. Dateget datecount. All. Updates0count. Superseded. All0count. Superseded. Last. Level0count. Superseded. Exclusion. Period0count. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period0count. Declined0. Write OutputGetting a list of all updates. No. New. Linetry    all. Updateswsus. Get. Power Iso Magic Disk Mac. UpdatesUpdate. ScopecatchSystem. Exception    Write OutputFailed to get updates. Feeling Good Torrent Pdf Reader. Write OutputError. Exception. Message    Write OutputIf this operation timed out, please decline the superseded updates from the WSUS Console manually. Write Output    returnWrite OutputDoneWrite OutputParsing the list of updates. No. New. Lineforeachupdate inall. Updates    count. All. Updates    ifupdate. Is. Declined        count. Declined        ifupdate. Is. Declined andupdate. Is. Superseded        count. Superseded. All        ifupdate. Has. Superseded. Updates            count. Superseded. Last. Level                ifupdate. Creation. Date ltget date. Add. Days Exclusion. Period              count. Superseded. Exclusion. Period            ifupdate. Has. Superseded. Updates                count. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period                                    update. Id. Update. Id. Guid, update. Id. Revision. Number, update. Title, update. Knowledge. Base. Articles, update. Security. Bulletins, update. Has. Superseded. UpdatesOut Fileout. Superseded. List Append           Write OutputDone. Write OutputList of superseded updates out. Superseded. ListWrite OutputWrite OutputSummary Write OutputWrite OutputAll Updates count. All. UpdatesAny. Except. Declinedcount. All. Updates count. Declined. Write OutputAny except Declined Any. Except. DeclinedWrite OutputAll Superseded Updates count. Superseded. AllSuperseeded. All. Outputcount. Superseded. All count. Superseded. Last. Level. Write Output    Superseded Updates Intermediate Superseeded. All. OutputWrite Output    Superseded Updates Last Level count. Superseded. Last. LevelWrite Output    Superseded Updates Older than Exclusion. Period days count. Superseded. Exclusion. PeriodWrite Output    Superseded Updates Last Level Older than Exclusion. Period days count. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Periodi0ifSkip. Decline    Write OutputSkip. Decline flag is set to Skip. Decline. Continuing with declining updates    updates. Declined0    ifDecline. Last. Level. Only        Write Output  Decline. Last. Level is set to True. Only declining last level superseded updates. Updates            ifupdate. Is. Declined andupdate. Is. Superseded andupdate. Has. Superseded. Updates              ifupdate. Creation. Date ltget date. Add. Days Exclusion. Period                  i                percent. Complete0 N2 fupdates. Declinedcount. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period1. 00                Write Progress ActivityDeclining Updates StatusDeclining update icount. Superseded. Last. Level. Exclusion. Period update. Id. Update. Id. Guid Percent. Completepercent. Complete Current. Operationpercent. Complete complete                try                                    update. Decline                                        updates. Declined                                catchSystem.