Windows Welcome, Wow. Adobe Digital Editions 1.7 1 Free Download on this page. Yamaha Motorcycle Serial Numbers on this page. Node registry keyWhat is going on when you run 3. Windows Most of us know there is this C Program Files x. Wow. 64. 32. Node. When a 3. 2 bit application, running on 6. Hklm Software Wow6432node Wow6432node' title='Hklm Software Wow6432node Wow6432node' />Beginning with Windows Server 2008, the HKLMSoftwareWow6432Node node is hidden from the RegEnumKeyEx function. Nested Wow6432Node key in InstallShield. Pro Rugby Manager 2005 Full Game. Ask Question. up vote 4 down vote favorite. MSI to choose HKLMSOFTWARE over HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432Node. Windows is querying the registry for the HKCUSOFTWAREORACLE key, it seems to go fine. But when the HKLMSOFTWAREORACLE key is queried, that is where the trouble starts It seems the call is now being redirected to HKLMSOFTWAREWow. Is there anything built in to Windows that would allow me to list all of the installed software on a computer in a fashion that can be copypasted to a spreadsheetNodeORACLE. Also when HKCU SOFTWAREORACLE is queried, but does not exists, you will also be redirected to HKLMSOFTWAREWow. NodeORACLE. Ok, if the application also writes to this location there is nothing to worried about, Windows also does redirect writing to HKLMSOFTWAREWow. Node. Registry. But what if you update the registry with a. This redirection does not occur, the key will end up where you put it. So, you insert HKLMSOFTWAREORACLEORACLEHOME with a. Oracle application still reads it from the HKLMSOFTWAREWow. NodeORACLEORACLEHOME redirected location. Now there is a mismatch, and the ORACLEHOME is not set. This will leave you will all kinds of errors with NLS settings, Oracle Homes not set etc, etcProcess Monitor. I discovered this problem when running Process Monitor from Sysinternals to trace the registry calls for a 3. Oracle application on Windows Server 2. It could not load the Oracle libraries, so I assumed incorrect environment settings. These were ok and tried to figure out if it could be in the registry and so it did When running Process Monitor, it will immediately start monitoring when started, so stop it as quickly as possible with Ctrl E. It does collect a lot of information When you run Process Monitor on a 6. Workaround I have exported the registry keys it wanted to read and updated the. Wow. 64. 32. Node redirected ones Problem solved. Notes. The following registry keys have been abbreviated HKCU HKEYCURRENTUSERHKLM HKEYLOCALMACHINE3. Windows Welcome, Wow. Node registry key., 3. HKEYLOCALMACHINE, often shortened to HKLM, is the hive in the registry that contains most of the configuration data for Windows. If you ever need to reinstall Windows, having a list of all the installed software will make things easier. Heres how to see all software installed on a PC. This is a sideeffect of the registry virtualization in 64bit Vista, the Wow6432Node is a link to the registry keys visible to a 32bit program. How to detect if Visual C Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 is installed I tried Google it and nobody has asked this question, surpriseHow to turn managed browser hosting controls back on in Internet Explorer 11.