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Google Employee Handbook Template' title='Google Employee Handbook Template' />Checklists to Perfect your New Employee Onboarding Process. Click here to learn more about Process Street. Introduction to Employee Onboarding. In this post, Im going to define and explain the benefits of employee onboarding, then give you access to six employee onboarding checklists that you can use on their own or easily import into our onboarding software Process Street. Why checklists Well, checklists are the most popular way to onboard new employees, and thats for a good reason. Checklists help you to follow a process, make sure you dont neglect anything important and stay compliant. Google Employee Handbook Template' title='Google Employee Handbook Template' />Instead of making you write your own, you can use one of the 6 weve prepared for you as a basis, and either take it as it is or modify it for your business. Dont want to read Just want the checklistsHere you go More about why checklists are awesome for onboarding If you want to retain the top talent, good employee onboarding is essential. First impressions are everything. Let me offer you some facts by Christine Marino in 7 Need to Know Facts About Employee Onboarding Onboarding programs can increase retention by 2. Employees who participate in a structured onboarding program are 6. It takes 8 1. 2 months for new hires to be as proficient as their tenured colleagues. But wait, let me back up a bit. 5Th Accompany Edition Financial Foundation Guide Management Multinational Study there. What exactly is onboardingIf you want only the checklists, just scroll down a little further. What is a New Employee Onboarding Process According to i. CIMS onboarding is the initial process of assimilating new hires into an organization. It covers every step such as but not limited to Preparations before the starting day. Introduction to tools used. Orientation of the office. Meeting the team. Evaluating your employees onboarding experience afterwards. And heres something you really want to know about it increases productivity, makes the new hire happier and saves you money. Just look at this image Stephen Bruce has prepared in his blog post of onboarding success infographics, showing the money wasted on ineffective onboarding. The statistics seem pretty grim, but dont worry help is here A study conducted by Madeline Laurano in 2. As it turns out, the most commonly used strategy in the new employee onboarding process is creating a checklist. Sample-Staff-Handbook-Template.jpg' alt='Google Employee Handbook Template' title='Google Employee Handbook Template' />Handbook Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Pitch Deck. This pitch deck template helps you identify and communicate every point needed for your pitch from revealing your unique value proposition to. This Training Plan kit includes a 20 page MS Word template, 14 Excel forms, checklists, questionnaires, and spreadsheets to capture scope, requirements. Cookies, which are files created by websites youve visited, and your browsers cache, which helps pages load faster, make it easier for you to browse the web. Click here to learn more about Process Street. Introduction to Employee Onboarding. In this post, Im going to define and explain the benefits of employee. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Download this Employee Handbook template 140 topics MS Word with 100 pages of sample material, including sections on Employment Status and Records. THE TEMPLATE. The iNEWS template is the core of our scripting operation. After our video has been sent, sending the template triggers its delivery to clients. Build, Update Customize Your Employee Handbook. Is your employee handbook keeping up with the changing world of work With SHRMs Employee Handbook Builder get. Coincidentally, Process Street has the right templates for you to use Scroll down to find the employee onboarding checklists I have prepared for you and find the right one for your companys needs now. What is Process Street and How can I use it for Employee Onboarding Process Street is a simple way to manage onboarding processes for your business. HRDM_Employee-Handbook-Templates.gif' alt='Google Employee Handbook Template' title='Google Employee Handbook Template' />Google Employee Handbook TemplateWe provide a free version of the platform you can use to onboard a few people a month and business tiers for companies with larger volume. Process Street revolves around checklists but lets you power them with rich content such as images and videos and form fields to collect data. Your team can chat around checklists and access from anywhere, any time. Below is a 5 min introductory demo video about Process Street. Automating Onboarding Tasks with Process Street. Once your onboarding checklist is setup, you can integrate it with other apps to automate tasks. This allows you to do things like automatically generate contracts or send emails to the new employee. You can do this using our Zapier integration or API. Check out the quick video 2 min below to see our forms automation feature in action. Before we get into the checklists, I want to offer you a free guide 3 Onboarding Mistakes That Make Your Best Employees Quit. Weve all got those new hires were super hopeful for, so dont make mistakes that make them want to quit before they even get started. Click the button below to get the guide. Get Our 6 Employee Onboarding Checklists Below. General Employee Onboarding Checklist. With the variety of jobs and professions its hard to cover every single onboarding checklist but were working on it so for now I present you the ultimate new employee onboarding checklist. Whilst not job specific e. Use it, adjust it to your needs and start improving the way your employees perform their duties before theyve even started Call Center Employee Onboarding Checklist. Imagine this your new call center employee has arrived for their first day of work. She has 1. 0 years of experience in the job so you just put her straight to the phone. What could go wrongThe phone rings, she picks up and politely introduces herself. Everything seems to go perfectly well. Whats that Im sorry Could you hold for a second She frantically goes through a pile of papers left on the desk for her. Its some manuals, a prank welcome card and notes from the previous employee who worked at the desk. Im sorry, I am going to have to redirect you to someone else, she says as she gives up against the pile of irrelevant papers. She hangs up, sits back and cries. No, not because shes a woman lets not get into that she cries because she has no idea what shes meant to be doing here. Her work buddy John is in the next stall. Hes been weeping and redirecting calls for two weeks now. Think what it does to your customer satisfaction and your employee productivity and happinessWorry no longer as we have prepared a call center employee onboarding checklist for you to use, starting the day you hire a new employee. We have made sure you do not miss a thing and worked hard so your new onboarding process is successful, employees happy and clients taken care of. Sounds great, doesnt it Retail Employee Onboarding Checklist. Retail employee onboarding is often done in groups, through training presentations or remotely, through videos. Employee orientation sessions, as they are often called, usually include information about the brand, the values of the company and howwhy the company started up in the first place. You own a great retail business and need people, just as great to work in it and help it succeed. Perhaps you once were a retail worker, perhaps not either way you once were an employee unless you were born into a retail chain owner family in which case you need this checklist even more. If you look back to the days of working for someone else can you remember your induction processCan you trace back the steps of your onboarding What would you have done differently Did you wish you had more training and attention invested in you for you to feel valuable and prepared This is your chance to use the retail employee onboarding checklist of your employees dreams. This checklist will make sure your employees are informed, trained and left with a smile on their face which is exactly what you want given that they will be in direct contact to your customers. Restaurant Employee Onboarding Checklist. Hiring a new employee for your restaurant is very much like creating a new ad for it. When you create a billboard or a TV promotion you hire a whole team to think of the best ways to engage the clients and prove your restaurant is the place to be. A new hire is there to prove that your adverts were true they interact with customers, create the whole experience and are with your customers all the way through. Given how much time, money and energy you have spent in creating the perfect advert it is only logical you would invest the same attention into your employees the live version of your restaurants promotion.